Call Us Today 770.462.9249 
  • PowerGrid Resources mission is to assist the power grid industry

    with cost effective solutions that will make the system more reliable and safe.
  • PowerGrid Resources mission is to assist the power grid industry

    with cost effective solutions that will make the system more reliable and safe.
  • PowerGrid Resources mission is to assist the power grid industry

    with cost effective solutions that will make the system more reliable and safe.

PowerGrid Resources - Making A Difference

The electrical grid is getting older and with the proper life extension programs the asset owners can reduce unexpected outages and reduce overall repair cost. The leadership at PowerGrid Resources Inc. has worked in the power grid industry since the 1970’s, having over 100 year of experience and has developed programs that drastically improve the reliability of the electrical system. Through the years we have observed a number of issues that can be eliminated by instituting a range of different construction practices as well as new inspection and repair techniques that will extend the plant life of the system.

PowerGrid Resources employees have been and continue to be very involved in many industry standards committees that looks at cost effective ways to keep the power grid more reliable and safe. We offer a wide range of services to help the asset owners manage the power grid system. We believe in performing work with excellence and conducting business with a focus on professionalism as well as high integrity.

Proactive not Reactive

Asset owners must manage the money in their budget in a way that gets the best system reliability results.
  • Often there are budget restraints beyond the asset owners’ controls, which requires the asset owners determine where the budget is spent.
    • Reduction of Budgets or Fluctuating Budgets
    • Unforeseen Issues that cause reallocation of funds
  • This is not always easy with an aging infrastructure!
When there is an asset failure, we often must become reactive which is a normal reaction.
  • Now we must make sure we don’t have another component failure.
However, being proactive with a true understanding of the system to be managed can reduce many failures.
  • Know the assets and what to fund based on asset management surveys and identified issues:
    • Issues due to age
    • Issues due to material types
    • Issues due to environmental conditions
A proactive asset management program ensures we have a plan that will keep the assets both safe and reliable within the confines of the budget.